Daphne: It's not easy chasing a pre-cog.
Hiro: Why's that?
Daphne: They see you coming.

Adam Monroe: This bar is the go-to destination of specials for hire.
Hiro: Just like the cantina!

Claire: Mom.
Sandra: Claire! Thank god. I was so worried. Are you okay? Because if you are, you are so grounded.

Knox: You're the one with the powers?
Hiro: Yes. I control time and space.
Knox: Cool.

Hiro: (in Japanese) He said look tough. Not like Mr. Roboto.
Ando: (in Japanese) This is my tough guy walk.

Hiro: We are bad asses now!
Ando: Yes! Very bad ass!

We are bad asses now!


We were trying to be better than God.


What have you done? You're a monster.

Maya [to Mohinder]

I haven't had a drink in months, and they make a mean appletini.

Adam Monroe

I wouldn't send anyone to Level 5 that doesn't belong there.


Sylar: You okay?
Claire: Peachy.

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys