Yesterday I believed that angels were merely symbols, and witches were villains in children’s stories.

Commander Ogunwe

You know what else is interesting? Dust. Fascinating stuff. I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to understand it. I once killed an innocent young boy in order to harness it. But no one, before this moment, has ever tried to weaponize it.

Lord Asriel

You are as weak as an oyster out of its shell.

Iorek Byrnison

Father, I have done pre-emptive penance every day of my adult life. I will do whatever it required to get them here.

Father Gomez

Humankind cannot stand against its Creator.

Commander Ogunwe

I am Lord Asriel Belacqua. I intend to march on the Kingdom of Heaven, and I should very much like you to join me.

Lord Asriel

All these men after you, I tell you, it’ll never change.

Mrs. Coulter

His Dark Materials Quotes

All these men after you, I tell you, it’ll never change.

Mrs. Coulter

Fear is a gift. It allows people to learn.

Father Gomez