Laurel: Sam dying was his own fault.
Wes: Nate's in jail now and what we're doing to him is...What if I was wrong about her the whole time?

Ophelia: Anna Mae!
Annalise: My sorry ass husband may have been a cheater and a low life, but he saw me why I am this way.
Ophelia: That man understood nothing.
Annalise: Sam knew exactly what happened to me, the minute I stepped into his office. Everything! He said this thing that happened to me, what you ignored, is why I am the way I am.

Bonnie: Why'd you lie to me about Sam? I asked you to your face what happened and you said you didn't know.
Frank: We're not doing this while you're wasted.
Bonnie: She told you not to tell me, right?
Frank: Do you blame her?
Bonnie: No. But it's why I can't go up there.

Ophelia: Anna Mae, did you do it?
Annalise: Do what?
Ophelia: Kill Sam. You can tell mama. God is the only judge.

I wiped your ass and I will call you anything I want.

Ophelia [to Annalise]

So, she's no Annalise.


Ophelia: Clients? Don't you know a VIP when you see one.
Bonnie: VIP?
Ophelia: Your boss came out of my V and her daddy's P, so show a little respect for her mama.

How to Get Away with Murder Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

So, she's no Annalise.


Ophelia: Clients? Don't you know a VIP when you see one.
Bonnie: VIP?
Ophelia: Your boss came out of my V and her daddy's P, so show a little respect for her mama.