I myself was involved in a program, Poets In Schools. It's kinda like blood... for the soul.


Ray: What do you always say?
Mike: I wanna f*%k Rhonda Barr?

Mike: One kid wrote 'I hate Mr. Hunt with a passion that burns like a thousand suns.
Ray: That's teaching. Some kids are gonna hate earth science no matter what you do.

And that right there my friends, is the United States of America. The red. The white. And the green, baby. USA.

Random Poet

My name is Tanya. I am a poet, a temp, and a pimp.


Ray: I don't know about that woman, ya know. She's got red eyes. Like a rat.
Jessica: She does not have red eyes. She has red hair.
Ray: Alright, same difference.

Ray: It's okay if it was me you wanted to piss on.
Damon: I didn't want to piss on you dad. I just drank a lot of pop.

Ronnie: I'm sorry.
Jessica's mom: You really need oatmeal that bad?

No offense, but I don't think a bunch of beret-wearing strangers is what my kid needs right now.


Tanya: I think I can see what he was going for. The plate of home, a place called home. He was releasing his anger in a non-violent way.
Ray: He was releasing alright...I don't know about anger.

It's the ass crack of dawn, I'm not a marine.


Jessica: As you know, I'm not easy to be married to.
Ray: You were okay.

Hung Season 2 Quotes

Ray: What about these clenched hands?
Lenore: To me that represents fisting Ray. It tells me it's time for you to change up your repertoire.

Although we sell dick, and not cars, we could learn a lot from Diego Rivera.
