Objection. Please remind Mr. Buchanan that sarcasm is the weapon of the weak.


Healing begins when someone bears witness. I saw you. I believe you.


I know it's hard to forgive him, but can I tell you something I learned in group when I was in prison? Most inmates come from toxic parents, but if you're gonna heal and move on, you gotta love something about where you came from.


Carisi: Who drops out of Harvard?
Naomi: Don't ask me. I set a bus on fire.

The thing that scares me in cases like this, there's always another shoe.


Distasio: On the word of a maid.
Finn: My grandmother was a maid.

Lucas: She was assaulted. Is that what she said happened?
Carisi: No. That is what happened. She was raped.
Lucas: No it wasn't. I would never rape anyone. It was curative intercourse. I was saving her soul.

Benson: How's the new assignment?
Huang: Single, gay, Chinese-American man living in Oklahoma City opposed to the death penalty - it's heaven.

A man's store burns down, so he goes out, buys a book of matches and some gasoline and burns down the arsonist's house. It's fair, so it must be just. A man sees his children die in front of him so he buys a gun, finds the killer, splatters his kid's brains all over the bedroom walls. That's fair! That's just! Why bother with cops and courts? Let the blood flow in the streets! Don't like it? Get a bigger pair of boots!


DNA is like God - it's everywhere.


Connie: I'm horrified. I thought I knew Henry. Maybe he was jealous of my son or my son was jealous of him.
Carisi: So it was a regular cocaine and Abel, huh?

Truth can be the best medicine.

Prince Miller

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
