Valerie: Hi, you wanted to talk to me about the retreat?
Rollins: Yes, I'm detective Rollins, this is Detective Carisi. Did you notice anything out of the ordinary the other night?
Valerie: Of course. Something out of the ordinary always happens when you take Iawaska.
Rollins: Did you see Declan Trask go into the meditation room around midnight?
Valerie: I think so. Abby Clarke was in there. She seemed unhappy. She was crying.
Rollins: Did you go to check on her? Or ask her what was wrong?
Valerie: No. I assumed they were cathartic tears.

Rollins: Maybe he slipped something into the water.
Barba: I think maybe he slipped something into his words. Neuro linguistic programming.
Fin: Neuro linguistic what?
Barba: I think she was hypnotized.

Carisi: Do you remember a student named Declan Trask?
Professor: I remember his father. He gave the school a lot of money.

Declan: I think you guys got it wrong.
Benson: So enlighten us.
Declan: I'm a healer. My work involves a lot of intimacy, and sometimes that includes consensual sex.
Fin: If it was all consensual, why did Abby say you raped her?

Benson: You're considering making a deal?
Barba: The facts are not on our side.
Benson: No registry? You can't be serious.
Barba: I can be pragmatic.

Man: My friends, we're here to take an amazing journey. One that will connect you to your deepest selves and to each other. And if you open your souls to it, tonight you will change your life.
Guy: Buckle your seatbelt.
Woman: Here's to nothing.
Guy: You mean here's to everything.

Sonny: Why do I get the feeling that this guy's shoes cost more than my rent?
Fin: Cause they do. This guy comes from real money. His dad owns a hedge fund.

Trask: That's Abby Clarke. Did something happen to her?
Sonny: She was sexually assaulted.
Trask: Oh my God. When?
Rollins: The night of your retreat. In fact, she said that it happened right here. Do you know anything about that?
Trask: No. I hope she's not saying that what we did was rape. We had sex.

Trask: Hypnosis doesn't make you do something you don't want to do. So if she kissed you, she wanted to.
Rollins: Sounds like he's rationalizing.
Fin: You can't rationalize rape.

Abby: Steven will never forgive me.
Olivia: The question is, will you be able to forgive yourself if you walk away now? They are shaming you to get you to walk away. You didn't do anything wrong, Abby.

Abby: I haven't heard from Steven in three days. He won't return my calls.
Olivia: If you want him, fight for him. But if he doesn't get it, he's not worth fighting for.

These cases are about perception, not reality.

SVU Chief Mike Cutter

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
