Nick: Do you hear yourself?
Nicolas: Whatever happened between me and your mom, in your imagination, is over.

Velasco: You started out in Narcotics. What made you decide to come here?
Fin: I got tired of arresting people who weren't doing anything wrong. Here, the bad guys are the bad guys.

Teddy: Can you take that top off?
Rollins: If that's what Teddy wants.

Benson: You know, if we find out that you were involved in this assault, either overtly or implied, I'm coming back with a gift.
Lena: What's that?
Benson: A pair of bracelets.

Fin: So what? This is a hookup gone bad?
Carisi: Bad enough to dump a body in a suitcase?

Beth: I've been called back to base. I'm flying out tonight.
Benson: I thought you were going to stay two weeks for your mother.
Beth: Duty calls.
Benson: Why don't you take a couple more days? That would allow us to find your assailant and put him behind bars and give you the chance to heal. And in my experience, that's the only way to get closure.
Beth: Soldiers don't need closure. They need missions.

What happens at SVU stays at SVU. You have my word.

Mike Dodds

Can you please take these cuffs off now?


Benson: So Anne, I know this is difficult, but I'm going to ask you to describe this. Any little thing you can remember may be helpful.
Anne: He made me tie Rick's hands with those plastic things.
Benson: Okay. Was he white, black, Hispanic?
Anne: He was wearing a helmet. Do I have to do this now?

Are you at all upset that a vulnerable child died, or do you just want to pin this all on your supervisors?

Defense attorney

Hank is a good father. He would never do anything to hurt Jordan or Leah.


Rollins: We can still make a case. We're going to run touch DNA and -
Krystal: You didn't do that before?
Vilasco: We should have but -
Krystal: I get it. A cop's daughter gets raped, you go all out. But nobody cares when it's just a single mother.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
