Laurel, I've been doing this a long time. Women who have been raped and children who have been abused don't say 'we did this' and 'we did that.' They talk about what their attacker did to them, like you told me about Greg Harvey.


Benson: Greg Harvey had the same aftershave as your father and he wore the same watch. I think, Laurel, that when you stabbed Greg with those scissors, you weren't stabbing Greg. You were stabbing your father.
Laurel: I loved him.
Benson: But you hated what he did to Leah.

Laurel: It starts in your belly, doesn't it, and then it bubbles and bubbles like the lava in a volcano -
Leah: Laurel, stop talking!
Laurel: SHE KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. The hate bubbles and bubbles and it spreads until you can't stand it anymore and you have to do something.
Benson: What did you do?
Laurel: What did you?

That's why I stopped Greg when he was kissing me, cause I was thinking of Daddy. I was thinking maybe he was watching me, maybe he was thinking, 'What kind of slut did I raise?'


Laurel: Why do you do this? It's pity, right? You pity the pitiful.
Benson: You couldn't be more wrong.
Laurel: And you're not Jesus! You can't save me!

It was dark. There was a streetlight shining in and a breeze was blowing the curtains while he was... I kept thinking, if I could just grab the scissors...


Benson: All the eyes on Madison Avenue, they're all predators.
Laurel: Don't you ever feel like prey?
Benson: No. No, I don't.
Laurel: You can wear a badge and you can carry a gun, Lieutenant, but there's going to come a moment of weakness. The big fish eat the little fish and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Laurel: You know what I remember? That stupid National Geographic special, the antelope going after the cheetah, sinking his teeth into his flesh... I was thinking about the animals that got away. You'd think they'd learn, but there they are the next day, going across the plains...
Benson: Laurel, I want you to know that this is a very common first reaction, to blame yourself. But it's wrong.
Laurel: Not to the cheetah, it's not.

Benson: Hello, Laurel. Is it okay if I join you over there? [after no response] Can I call you Laurel? I understand that you might have been raped. That's okay. We have plenty of time, when you're ready we can talk -
Laurel: What's the point? You'll never catch him.
Benson: What makes you say that?
Laurel: Because I can't remember a damn thing.

They really are the perfect victims, aren't they? Girls struggling with emotional problems, mental illness, struggling with chemical addiction. Parents so desperate they'll pay anything to keep their babies alive.


Rollins: How do we appeal?
Barba: We don't.
Rollins: Lux is bad! There's 100 other vulnerable girls in there. This isn't right.
Barba: Sometimes the law misses right on the way to fair. You want to do something, find another way in.

The place looked like if you got dirt on your shoes, they'd be right behind you with a broom. Liv? Liv?


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
