Benson: They want me to get an MRI, but who has time for that?
Carisi: No. You have to see an orthopedist. You don't mess around with a broken ankle.
Benson: Thank you Dr. Carisi.

Carisi: I don't know... someone can see us.
Rollins: It's the courthouse at 10 o'clock. It's not like the cleaning crew's gonna care.

Stabler: They make a great couple. How did they meet?
Benson: She's a cop. She was Fin's first partner.

Garland: I also got a call from my dad. He's retired but he's still in touch with some guys on the job. The Old Guard wants to take me out.
Benson: What does that mean?
Garland: Dirty me up, force me off the job.
Benson: Oh Chief, I'm sorry.
Garland: It's all right. No matter what happens, I'm not going to go quietly.

Benson: A conspiracy this big, either Marcado is willfully ignorant or she's involved.
Garland: There's no way she's involved in this. If she has a fault, it's that she's too dedicated to the cause.

Kat: What now?
Fin: Well she admitted she had sex with Ruben Ortiz. That's enough to bring him in. My guess, he'll sing to save his own ass.

Rollins: Denise, there is a new woman in your old apartment. What happened to you is happening to her and she has a kid younger than yours.
Denise: If she's anything like me, she's doing what she's got to do.

Rosa: You're coming to my son's school? I told you, I didn't do anything wrong.
Benson: You're not in trouble. We just want to make sure you and your son are safe.
Rosa: I can't go back to the shelter.
Benson: And that's what's going to happen if you don't have sex with these men?

Kat: My guess: Ms. Swanson's a busybody.
Fin: May be, but we still gotta follow up.

Kat: Lots of post-pandemic weddings. It's gonna be hard to find a venue.
Fin: I don't need a venue.
Rollins: Yes you do, and you need someone to marry you. [Carisi comes in] Carisi, you still have your minister's license, right?
Carisi: You don't need me to -
Rollins: Yes, we do. For Fin.
Fin: Friday the 28th. I don't know where, but be there.

Andy: I have something to say to you. I won't stop you from seeing Charlie.
Diana: So we'll both be in his life?
Andy: Yes. We just won't be in each other's.

Andy: It doesn't matter. I know she loves me and that she isn't going to do it again.
Benson: I can't tell you how many times I've heard these words. Unfortunately, in these cases, things don't get better. Is this how you want to live your life, Andy? Always worried that she could hurt you, that she could take your child?
Andy: What do you want me to do? She said if a jury takes one look at me and one look at her, nobody's going to believe me.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
