Well, that went viral like the flu.


Woman: A black man can't even go to work? He'll lose his job!
Fin: He is a groper! Imagine if it was your mother or your sister.

Esperanza: I'm not gonna talk about my father. I'm a fighter. I'm not weak.
Benson: Telling your story is not weak. And whatever happened, it doesn't define you.

Whatever he did or didn't do, doesn't matter. People are always gonna look at us now. Men make the mess and women have to clean it up.


This wasn't supposed to be my story. Growing up I always told myself I'd rise above the narrative they have about people like us. But here I am


Carisi: Your friend Esperanza, she got a lawyer yet?
[Kat shakes her head]
Carisi: You didn't hear this from me, but she'd better get one.

Carisi: I was in the neighborhood. My mom made you soup.
Benson: Oh, I'm fine.
Carisi: It's my mom's soup. Take it.

Kat: So Romeo's good for this, right?
Benson: Slow down, Kat.
Kat: But the grandmother just described grooming and the shoulder was just an excuse.
Benson: Maybe, but there are two scenarios. One, he's a predator and two, he's a trainer who cares about his girls.

When you first got here, did you start seeing predators everywhere?


Kat: Hey Cammy. How's the shoulder?
Cammy: Huh?
Kat: Romeo said he had to pop it back in.
Cammy: Oh. Right. It's fine.
Kat: So who locked the door? You or him?
Cammy: Hey, SVU, pack it up. I'm not an afterschool special.

Benson: You grew a beard?
Barba: I'm in Iowa, trying to blend in.
Benson: Doing what?
Barba: Election fraud. We're living in a dystopian nightmare.

Fin: These IAB guys know how to reel them in.
Benson: One thing about Ed Tucker. He always settles his debts.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
