Stone: What kind of world is this?
Benson: I guess there has to be a hell so we can recognize heaven.

Molly: I will get through this. We will get through this.
Benson: You will, and Brian will, maybe. But what about Sam? How is he going to sleep at night knowing that his mother failed to protect him, that she failed to keep him safe at night?
Molly: What can I do?
Benson: Tell us the truth.

Fin: The bleeding, the injuries... they weren't from a fall and this wasn't sex gone wrong. Your brother was raped. Do you know what that means?
Brian: Sam isn't gay.

Rollins: We need to talk to you about Sam Conway.
Gus: I swear to God, I didn't know he was only 15.

Benson: So it's consistent with sexual assault.
Rollins: Or rough sex.
Benson: Well, he's 15, so it's not consensual.
Rollins: He's 15, and not talking.

Boy #1: He couldn't do it. He choked.
Boy #2: I'm sorry, Dad.
Dad: It's not me you should be apologizing to. This animal's suffering. [shoots] He's out of his misery now.

Man: I know that I hurt you. And that business with the escorts --
Rollins: Hookers.
Man: Right. Well, on that I can assure you that I've changed.

Carisi: Don't make me shoot.
Suspect: Fine! I raped that bitch, okay?

Benson: This is the Mexican drug cartel we're talking about.
Stone: And this is New York City, not Mexico. We don't drop charges because of ultimatums from organized crime.

Man: I'm here for a funeral. My brother.
Stone: I'm sorry.
Man: I loved Jorge. Just as much as you love your sister. Pamela, if I'm not mistaken.
Stone: You do realize I'm an assistant district attorney?
Man: That's why we're talking, Mr. Stone. You're going to drop this case. Lourdes will be deported and then our justice system will take over.

Rojas: You went back and forth to Mexico City a lot?
Miguel: Yes. My grandmother there is very sick. I've been doing it since I was a little boy.
Rojas: And you never had any problems re-entering the country?
Miguel: No. My mother brought me over when I was 8 months old.
Rojas: So you're a Dreamer.
Miguel: Yes
Rojas: But DACA wasn't implemented until 2012. So for many years you were illegal. So what you're saying is that you have no regard for our laws.

Lourdes: I wanted him dead.
Olivet: What stopped you from killing him?
Lourdes: You think I'm weak?
Olivet: No.
Lourdes: Scared. Stupid.
Olivet: No. You have a right to feel what you did.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
