Cop: Hands where I can see them!
Man [raising hands in air]: I didn't do anything!
[Cops throw him on the hood of a car]
Man: My sister, you gotta help her.
Cop: Keep your hands on the hood!
Man: I was just coming from the bogeda and...
Cop: You been drinking?
Man: My sister's been raped!
Female cop: Raped?
Man: She's in the playground around the corner. I was trying to call 911. You gotta go get her.

The guys who raped you, I swear to God I'm gonna kill them.


You killed my children. For what?


Cop: Lieutenant, now that you're here, maybe you can explain why Detective Rollins here is antagonizing people in my precinct without as much as a heads up.
Benson: Let's not turn this into a turf war.

Rollins: Unless they had their heads in the sand, neighbors had to see something, right?
Fin: Taking this kind of personal, Amanda.
Rollins: If I don't, what am I doing here?

They look like some reality show.


Rollins: I want to apologize for going off on you earlier.
Benson: You and I both know how hard it is to walk away when your gut says something's wrong.
Rollins: Yeah, well, I overreacted, and I'm thinking I could use a mental health day or two.
Benson: Really, Amanda?
Rollins: Yeah.
Benson: You want to dig into Labott.

Benson: If she wants to leave, we can't stop her. She is a competent adult -
Rollins: She is not competent! She's brainwashed. He did something to her, Liv. He tied her up, he starved her -
Benson: I understand that, but under New York State law there is no crime we can charge him with. There is nothing we can do.

Rollins: Esther's on her way back here. I'd like another go at her.
Fin: The TLC approach isn't working. Maybe we should try some fire and brimstone this time.

Benson: In cases where there is suspected abuse, we can't just turn over a child to her parents.
Mr. Labott: Esther is not a child. She is 27 years old.

Rollins: Every time I try to talk to her, she just throws back those Bible verses she's been brainwashed with.
Benson: So we have to do the heavy lifting here. It would be nice if we knew who she was.

Rollins: I can tell she's smart from the way she throws those Bible verses at me, but the way she's been indoctrinated... it discourages analytical thinking.
Benson: Or something to turn to when she's lost or in pain.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
