Benson: You haven't prosecuted a lot of college age rapes, have you?
Stone: Actually, none.

Fin: So why did you ask us if Mia said you raped her too?
Lawyer: My client didn't do anything wrong. We're here to cooperate.
Fin: So cooperate. Answer the question.

Drunk Guy: Who are these guys?
Rollins: We're the police.
Drunk Guy: That sucks.
Rollins: We want to talk to you about Mia Morino.
Drunk Guy: Why? Is she saying I raped her too?

Ethan: This is crazy. I didn't even want to hook up with Mia. The only reason I went to her room at all is because I thought Renata would be there.
Rollins: Renata?
Ethan: Her roommate.
Ethan's Father: Ethan! Stop talking. And you two can leave.

I can't believe I ever went out with him. I thought he was one of the nice guys. Nontoxic.


Stone: Antonio Dawson sends his regards.
Fin: Oh yeah? Well tell him I said hi!
[Stone leaves]
Rollins: So are you two buddies now?
Fin: He seems like an okay dude.
Rollins: I think he should go back to Chicago.
Fin: It's not his fault Barba decided to pull the plug on that baby. Just saying.

Carisi: I think he's a danger to the victim who... um, full disclosure... is my eighteen-year-old niece.
Stone: Good to know? Anything else?
Carisi: Yeah. I believe her.

Mia: Mom! Uncle Sonny!
Teresa: Is everything okay?
Mia: It's not okay! They suspended him for a year! He was so angry and he threatened me!
Carisi: I'll take care of this.
Teresa: What are you gonna do?
Carisi: What I should have done in the first place if anybody had told me about this. Open up a police investigation and arrest the son of a bitch.

Rollins: You're really gonna sit here and let Liv destroy her own career? Stone's in her office right now ripping her a new one cause he found out we're back investigating the West case. What are you gonna do if charges are brought against her?
Cassidy: That's not gonna happen.
Rollins: Why? Cause you've got your own ass covered, Brian?
Cassidy: That's real rich coming from you, Rollins. You have a couple of skeletons in your closet, don't you? Who bailed you out, huh?

I'm glad that bastard's dead. We were fooling ourselves to think we'd get justice any other way.

Kayla Price

Rollins: What's with the men's boots in your apartment?
Benson: Excuse me?
Rollins: You really gonna make me work this hard for it?
Benson: They're Cassidy's. It's not what you think. He went to West's brownstone to 'admonish' him.
Rollins: Admonish him?
Benson: He never got the chance. He got hit over the head from behind and when he woke up he found West's body.
Rollins: And you believe that?

If you want to turn me in, fine, but I need to know in my heart that you know in your heart that I could never do something like this!


Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
