Dr.: Have you ever thought about wearing sensible shoes?
Torres: Definitely.
Dr.: Well, definitely sensible.

Lightman: Give me a break; I am making this up as I go along.
Emily: Ok.

I want a good dirty fight. The more hits below the belt, more the merrier.


Lightman: Emily has lost her virginity.
Gillian: Lost it?
Lightman: Well misplaced it, you know.
Gillian: Lost works, how do you know?

Emily: Why aren't you at work?
Lightman: I am an adult, I keep my own hours.

Lie to Me Season 2 Episode 22 Quotes

Lightman: Emily has lost her virginity.
Gillian: Lost it?
Lightman: Well misplaced it, you know.
Gillian: Lost works, how do you know?

Emily: Why aren't you at work?
Lightman: I am an adult, I keep my own hours.