Bo: What is that supposed to be?
Lauren: I have no idea.

Bo: You're free. You're all free.
Dyson: Not quite.

So Dyson's new girlfriend is a billionaire and I live in a house with no walls.


Bo: Lauren stuff.
Kenzi: Did you get her pregnant?

Bo: I liked it better when I was the mom.
Kenzi: Honey, you were never the mom.

Dyson: Caira, I can't.
Ciara: You can't betray a ghost, Dyson.

Bo: You're not mad, are you?
Lauren: It's alright, Bo. You had to heal. It's who you are.

What an Ash-tool.


Dyson: What am I? A German Shepard?
Kenzi: Oh my god --- guys, this just in! You're a policeman who's also his own police dog.

We need you to put your sniffer into hyperdrive and help us with an ID.


Kenzi: Fight for Dyson. Fight for Lauren. Fight for what makes you happy. To the bottom.
Bo: To my bestie. May the only thing she ever sees in the mirror be her own beautiful reflection.
Kenzi: Da, 'cause that girl is smokin'.

Oh my god you came. This place is like Hansel and Gretel meets Hannibal Lector.


Lost Girl Season 2 Quotes

I heard you needed me. I came.


You want to be helpful -- call Dyson. Tell him to grow a pair and come home. I'm tired of getting her emergency take out.
