Maybe when I get back, you can model that apron au naturel ... I'm not I'm speaker phone, am I?


Russell: It's a little thing called power.
Elizabeth: Is it really that alluring? The history of mankind not withstanding?
Russell: I understand you left a horse farm to become Secretary of State.
Elizabeth: The President asked and I answered the call ... yeah, the power is pretty awesome too.

Swoop in, change the course of history, and swoop out.


Elizabeth: How long do you think you're gonna be mad at me?
Isabelle: You were just doing your job.
Elizabeth: So, like, less than a year?
Isabelle: Probably.

I just could never get a handle of the 'trust no one' part of my job.


Munsey: Give them what they want.
Elizabeth: I'm not leaving here with it. I'll give them Hawaii if that's what it takes.

Juliet: What happens, know this: I did this for my country. This is a righteous cause.

Elizabeth: You're giving me the 'you're an idiot' look.
Mike B: Because you're an idiot.

Jay, your passion has crossed over into defeatism and it's annoying.


Nothing says sweet dreams like being eviscerated by the President


Elizabeth: A little cold terror over job security never hurt anyone.
Russell: You should have that embroidered on a pillow.

I can't say I blame you. But I can't say I'll forgive you either.


Madam Secretary Season 1 Quotes

Of those 10 that came before you, how many got us into trouble, giving us something other than the facts, including leading us into war?


Elizabeth: What do you need, sir?
President Dalton: For you to fix this. Have I been unclear about that?
Chief of Staff Russell: Sir. In fairness, she inherited a lot of this, including Allen Bollings. This was Marsh's agenda.
President Dalton: Vincent Marsh is dead. When are you going to do your job?