Magnum: What do you think?
Higgins: That we should have stopped for bug spray.

Shammy: I guess some of us transition better than others.
Rick: It wasn't all roses. We had some help.

Magnum: You know what I find annoying?
Higgins: Me?
Magnum: Yes.

At the end of the day, no matter what we did, we did it together.

TC: Are we good?
Magnum: Always, man.

You know things are out of hand when I'm the voice of reason.


You upheld the law. You protected your license. I hope it was worth it because you just threw away our friendship.


You'll come to discover that Mr. Magnum generally succeeds at what he sets out to do.


Vanessa: I don't know if you noticed, but your boy in there wasn't being entirely honest.
Magnum: I thought you weren't listening?
Vanessa: I read body language fluently. He's going to need a really good defense. Make sure you give him my card, doll.

Can you do something about these Velociraptors?

Suddenly Thomas Magnum has art knowledge. Surely, it's a sign of the apocalypse. Perhaps I should pray.


James, Magnum is many things, an uncultured man child, a lazy freeloader, a terrible driver, but he is not a thief, and he is definitely not a killer.
