I don't know you Magnum, so I don't know how dumb you are. What I do know is that every P.I. I've ever met is a bottom feeder that can't be trusted.


One of the great things about being a private investigator is you don't need a warrant, just a firm and unyielding desire to catch a killer.

Rick: Is that Allie? Hey, girl!
Allie: Don't call me girl unless you want me to call you Orville.
TC: Ooooh. Burn.

Tell me again what you want me to do? I wasn't listening before.


When it comes to art, I'm more of a Dogs Play Poker kind of guy.

I guess when you love someone that much, you can forgive them for betraying you.


Rick: You have the look of a guy who identifies with your client. But here's what's different. Hannah didn't just betray you, she hurt all of us. And I'm going to keep telling you this until you believe it. TC and I have never blamed you for it.
Magnum: Thanks.

You do know what impersonating means, right?


Magnum: You just can't do it can you?
Higgins: Do what?
Magnum: Just be a normal human being and say, 'Hey Magnum, I wanted to help.'

People can change their name or the way they look, but they can't change who they are inside.

Higgins: Why do I get the distinct impression that you're toying with me?
Magnum: I'm afraid you'd be wrong.

Magnum: You're a good man, Dan.
Sawyer: So are you.