Magnum: It's a small island.
Maya: That it is.

Just because I've been a dumbass my whole life doesn't mean I have to keep being one.


If the tape comes out, it comes out. I have to do what's right.


Thomas, Juliet, let's talk.


I expect this kind of thing from you, Thomas, but you, Juliet?


So, what are you in for?

If someone doesn't get to park on their chair quite as long, I'm OK with that.

Rick [to T.C.]

Stay calm, do your job, and we'll do ours.

Rick, I will literally murder you.

Higgins [to Rick]

Magnum: To being single.
Higgins: To being single.

I know what it feels like to be left behind and I don't want that to happen to you.

T.C. [to Cade]

I'm sorry for your loss. Dart was a good guy and he didn't deserve this.

Shammy [to Lucy]

Magnum P.I. Season 4 Quotes

Higgins: And ...
Ethan: And about to be deservedly frustrated.
Higgins: I did not see that coming.

Magnum: I'm in.
T.C.: That was fast.
Magnum: There was a lot less security than I expected.
Rick: And I expected you to lie about how many security guards you had to take out.