Cole: Is that a bomb in the package under your bed, Mr. Kaczynski?
Ted: [stares at him blankly]

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Cole: Lead on, McDuff.
Jerry: Actually, it's 'Lay on, McDuff,' not lead on. People often misquote that line.
Cole: Don't you start with that language shit.

My past doesn't have to dictate my future, does it? I can still grow. I can still change. Can't I?


I gave up everything for respect, but what I really want is...


It takes incredible strength and courage to be different than everybody else, but that's a good thing, I promise you.


Murray: If society broke down, you wouldn't stand a chance, a creepy beta alpha shrimp like YOU!
Peanut Gallery: He'd be sodomized to death and turned into dog food in ten minutes!
Other Gallery Man: And he'd probably enjoy it!
Murray: Now, now! I told you fellows not to bring up Theodore's sadomasochistic tendencies. That's not fair [smiles menacingly at Ted].

Murray spent a year seducing me and then two years breaking me. Why did I keep going back? To prove to them that they could strap me into an electric chair, but I will never give in. They will never break me. And they didn't. I didn't break. They did no break me.


Personally, I never understood the appeal of a woman's backside, except perhaps that of a negro.


Murray: I've taken the liberty of sharing those pages with a panel of fellow scientists, some of Harvard's most distinguished thinkers.
Ted: I'm flattered. [addressing the men] Good morning.
Murray: Unfortunately, conclusions were unanimous. They found the majority of your ideas to be derivative, cliche, and juvenile. The remainder they found self-evidently absurd.

As soon as we entered the room, we all were desperate to make the cut, for him to choose us, to bring us into the inner circle, the fold. His was the hand of God, separating sheep from goats.


My life wasn't supposed to go like this. My God, David, who can help me? It wasn't supposed to go like this.


Ted: [reading] The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Teresa: See? See? You act like I'm crazy, but it's kind of true, right?

Manhunt: UNABOMBER Quotes

Fitz: You're saying this is from him, the Unabomber?
Genelli: His most recent letter. Fifty FBI agents have been going over that letter with a fine tooth comb for two weeks. Not one of them saw the emordnilap. Not even me. I've had profilers working on this thing for 15 years, and we're right back where we started. I need somebody that sees things differently, and like it or not, that is you.

I want to send you. It's one month. You go out there, build a profile and come back to the BAU with a big gold star.
