Natalie: And if we can find his idiolect...
Fitz: ...we can find the Unabomber.

Are you kidding? This is cutting edge. There's not even a name for what you're doing.


Did you ever think that the reason you haven't gotten him in 17 years is because you've been underestimating him?


Now you could spend six months coming up with the world's most accurate profile, but that's not what we're looking for. We're looking for 15 pages, no typos, and wood and we want to take it to the press next week. Now I understand that you're a brilliant guy, I do. McAlpine says that you can find all kinds of stuff hidden in letters, and that's great. Now take the Unabomber letters and find wood, OK? Because right now, all that's required of you is obedience. Understand?


Fitz: That's not much to go on.
Tabby: Nope.
Fitz: This is why they need us. The profile is going to focus the entire search. It's a big responsibility, yeah? It's exciting, right?

Fitz: What forensic leads do we have?
Cole: Basically, we have no forensic leads, no DNA, no prints.

I want to send you. It's one month. You go out there, build a profile and come back to the BAU with a big gold star.


Fitz: You're saying this is from him, the Unabomber?
Genelli: His most recent letter. Fifty FBI agents have been going over that letter with a fine tooth comb for two weeks. Not one of them saw the emordnilap. Not even me. I've had profilers working on this thing for 15 years, and we're right back where we started. I need somebody that sees things differently, and like it or not, that is you.

Fitz: You know, I came here because I believe in what you wrote.
Ted: Good.
Fitz: I think you asked me here so I could help save your life, so you could spread your message and change things, really change things, right?

Agent Fitzgerald, I am so glad to make your acquaintance at last.


We started in charge, but now we're slaves to our own technology.


Fitz: I just don't know when I started to feel so powerless.
Natalie: We all feel that way, everyone does.
Fitz: Yeah, we all feel like that, but what do we do about it? Nothing. We like it. We like feeling trapped, crushed. I guess freedom is far more terrifying than slavery.
Natalie: There's nothing to do. That's life. We suck it up, and we live.
Fitz: But that's not life. That's sleepwalking. Watching TV, eating trash, working to become something for someone else. Nobody doesn't something, nobody even tries. Nobody except for Ted!
Natalie: Yeah, but Fitz, he's the Unabomber. He's evil.

Manhunt: UNABOMBER Quotes

Fitz: You're saying this is from him, the Unabomber?
Genelli: His most recent letter. Fifty FBI agents have been going over that letter with a fine tooth comb for two weeks. Not one of them saw the emordnilap. Not even me. I've had profilers working on this thing for 15 years, and we're right back where we started. I need somebody that sees things differently, and like it or not, that is you.

I want to send you. It's one month. You go out there, build a profile and come back to the BAU with a big gold star.
