Des: So you're breaking the law for freedom.
Annie: The law is wrong and it will change. Until then, there's no reason that shouldn't supplement my income.

Mary: Remember when Mom had that problem with the morning glories?
Nicole: Yeah, she was obsessed. I mean, they're beautiful but she said there's too much of them, too much beauty.
Mary: Yeah, if you don't control them, they end up taking over the whole garden, strangling all the other plants. So you have two options. You can either pull them all out, start fresh, or you can ride the chaos.

Mary: First, you have to find a good vein. Press up and down gently. This will expand the vein and make it easier to see.
Grady: Just like people. You apply enough pressure and they show you what they really are.

Mary: As a doctor, I remain a member of society with a special obligation to all of my fellow human beings.
Nicole: I don't think you have to be a doctor to have that obligation.

Cambie: The sun is in our eyes and in our hearts/Even when it's night and when it's dark/The moon still glows, the stars still shine/Now and forever until the end of time. What do you think?
Nicole: I think you need to dig deeper.
Cambie: What does that mean?
Nicole: I can't tell you that. It's just, like, part of the journey.

I love funerals. Nothing like staring death in the face to make you feel alive.

Maybe you should apologize. Take it from a dying man, sometimes friends are the only things that keep you going.


I've had a good run. Live fast, die young, y'know? Don't get me wrong, I think living's great. I'm just ready.


Ben: Is that gun registered?
Nicole: What are you, a cop?
Mary: Ben, Nicole. Nicole, Ben. My sister. My... stalker. Yup, he's a cop

I don't think I've met anyone like you in my life, Mary. I mean, you seem so straight. This perfect little doctor with a nice house and pretty little daughters. I see you and you are right there on the edge.


Mary: Grady, you really need to stop messing with me.
Grady: Why?
Mary: Cause it's making me want to kill you.

Ben: Mary called me last night
Frank: Tell me you did not have sex with this woman again.
Ben: I think I can get her to confess.
Frank: Yeah? It there truth serum in you d*ck?

Mary Kills People Quotes

Mary: Y'know, sometimes I don't know if you're a compassionate doctor or a serial killer
Des:... says the woman who just smothered a man with a pillow

We're afraid because we don't know what to expect.... but just because there's uncertainty doesn't mean that there's anything to fear
