I wasn't sad anymore 'cause when I turned around you and our baby girl were standing there. That's when I knew how happy I was. How happy we're gonna be. Just me, you, and sweat pea... a family. Aren't we lucky?


Nancy: The main factor with me for you is that I am a woman.
Virginia: I'm not sure I know what you mean.
Nancy: You are competing with me. It's an understandable, if disappointing reaction. Women get such a small slice of the pie they tend to fight over it rather than make the slice bigger or share.
Virginia: First of all, I hate pie. Secondly, you're speaking to a woman who has spent the last twelve years bringing women out of the dark ages. There's no greater advocate for women.
Nancy: In theory this is practice. Look, I respect everything you've accomplished. It's why I'm here. I just want to know where I stand.
Virginia: Wherever we tell you to.

So what really happened that night with Art, sitting in that bedroom, was clarity. That the one person in my life who has seen me, all of me, the imperfections, ambitions, scars, and still loves me, in spite of the... maybe even because of my terrible talents... was you.


Keller: I like you, Libby. I don't want to rush this.
Libby: I'm sorry, was that supposed to be romantic? In the course of a day we've gone from dinner to a sleep over to you suddenly proposing marriage.
Keller: I wasn't proposing...
Libby: I'm not interested in waiting 'till our wedding night to see if the sex between us is any good.

I don't know exactly what it is that I'm looking for, but I do know that I want it to be passionate. I want to find a man where there's real sexual chemistry.


Bill: You just want me today. Maybe because I've stopped pursuing you or because Dan is gone. I'm the only option left or because it's just easier with me because I'm always there. But what happens tomorrow when you wake up and you want someone else?
Virginia: Bill, that's not going to happen.
Bill: I don't trust you, Virginia. I can't... ever again.

Wouldn't hurt you either, would it? Being able to bring your wife a big case like that, like a cat dropping a dead mouse on its owner's welcome mat.


I screwed up so many things in my life, but Helen was the one thing I got right. We got each other right. Not that everything was all daffodils, but there was never a sliver of a doubt that we really loved each other 'cause we really did. Sometimes things are so right you don't even think to question them.


In my experience, the truth can come at a very high price. You can lose people you love, pieces of yourself, but in the end it's worth it. It's worth it to know where you really stand.


The fact that Helen loved me, doesn't change who she was and how much she loved you.


If I know Virginia, she'll take full advantage of this trip. They're posing as a couple, after all. They're going through treatment. I think she's hoping the Masters and Johnson method will work on Masters and Johnson.


But it's interesting though, the suggestion that feeling undeserving of pleasure can affect the way a man perceives himself... choices he makes.
