Gunnar: I'm not that confused, mixed up kid anymore.
Linda: No, now you're a confused, mixed up single father.

All this flirting. All this texting. Whatever else it is you guys [Jeff and Layla] are doing has made this "thing" real in her head. So whatever you got to say to convince her to go with me I suggest you say it, tonight.


Avery: What are we gonna tell her... about us?
Juliette: We'll tell her she came from a place of love, and her parents became great friends.

Deacon: I know now why I got so upset about that article. It's because it was true. Everything you said in that article is true. I've never been able to let go of you. I didn't let go when you married Teddy. I haven't let go after all these years. I'm not letting you go now. So you were right. I have to ask myself why. Why am I not letting go?
Rayna: Why won't you?
Deacon: Because I love you. That's it. It's easy. I always have and you're gonna have to just deal with the fact that that aint gonna change.

Layla: If only everybody didn't see me as the girl curious about robot voices.
Jeff: I don't. At least not anymore.

Terry: I aint afraid. You're the one who's afraid. Pretending you don't want what you've been pushing on me.
Scarlett: I'm not pushing anything on you, I'm trying to help you. I don't want that!
Terry: I sang with you. I felt it, and you did too. So either that makes you a liar or a coward.

Rayna: I had to make a trade.
Deacon: So you gave him us. You gave him what we had. What was private. What you had insisted for years was private. You just sold it to a magazine.
Rayna: It was the last thing I wanted to do.
Deacon: But you did, and I don't get it. And I don't know how you're living your life this way.

Emily: You ever going to go in?
Juliette: No.
Emily: Then what are we doing here?
Juliette: I'm reading a magazine, and you're looking out for anybody who is doing anything or talking to anybody.
Emily: Oh my God, you are stalking Avery!
Juliette: I'm not stalking. I'm curious.

Zoey: It wouldn't be fair to make you choose.
Gunner: What are you saying?
Zoey: I'm choosing for you.

To all the men out there, just remember we're [women] never trying to take anything away from you. There's plenty of sunshine for all of us.


Just so you know, I deferred Harvard.


Here's the thing, we're not gonna be just like them. I'm not my father, and you're not your mother. Okay? We're us, and we got this.


Nashville Season 3 Quotes

I wanted it to be you so badly.


Don't do it Rayna. I know he's the safe choice, but he's the wrong choice.


Nashville Season 3 Music

  Song Artist
If It's Love Chris Carmack iTunes
Song For Hawk Steve Poltz iTunes
Song Built To Roam Shakey Graves