You're an amazing genius of a man who's also extremely cute.

Nell [to Eric]

Callen: Acting like I'm on death's door step.
Sam: Acting like they don't want you to get sepsis.

Sam: If you don't make it, do you mind if I have these slip-on Dad shoes you're so fond of?
Callen: I'm glad you're enjoying this.

Sam: What about Commodore Kang?
Rogers: That bitch is going down.

It pains me to say this, but it was kind of fun hanging out with Sydney today.

Nell [to Eric]

Seriously, I had 'em. I was going to go two-for-two on a horse.


You're having what the kids call a rough day.

Deeks [to Eric]

Maybe Sydney to blame for all this. Maybe this is all connected to her.


Wait! We're walking? In L.A.?


Savor that hour, because that man [Rogers] is a gift.


Deeks, the Nell Jones I know and love wouldn't go to a doughnut shop of her own volition.

to Deeks}

Sam: You know I can see you, Beal.
Eric: Copy that.

NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Quotes

I don't care how you do it but get it done, or you're going to wish you were in that jeep with the rest of your team.

Kilbride [to Mosley]

I'm here because you're up to your ass in alligators.

Admiral Kilbride