The gloves are off. Your words.

Pride [to Hamilton]

You faced your fears, risked your life to save others. I heard you even went rogue.

Loretta [to Sebastian]

Pride: You were really going to inject him?
Sebastian: To save Loretta, yeah?
Pride: Good job.

Better late than never.

LaSalle Looks like we finally got clearance. Gregorio

The gloves are off, Dwayne.


Pride: I'm not willing to let you ,...
Sebastian: You don't have a choice.

Pride: How much time do we have?
Loretta: You mean how much time do I have?

LaSalle: This could be more than an attack on the Seabees.
Gregorio: It could be bioterrorism.

Loretta: Sebastian's a hypochondriac.
Sebastian: Some might call it extra careful.

A man doesn't just jump for no reason. We need to find out what drove him over the edge.


Gregorio: Clever. Frightening, but clever.
Patton: Don't worry. Big Brother Patton only uses his power for good.

Gregorio: I'm gay.
Ethan: Not the response I was expecting.