Gregorio: He's lying.
Pride: How can you tell?
Gregorio: His lips are moving.

I don't doubt it. [Gregorio] was always able to take care of herself, even if she wasn't always sure of herself.

Ethan [to Pride]

So much for taking him alive.

Gregorio [to Pride]

Everything I've done in the last 10 years has been motivated by that man's betrayal.

Gregorio [to Percy]

Cooperating with the FBI was a matter of survival, not altruism.

Pride [to Ethan]

I don't know whether to be furious with you, or worried.

Pride [to Gregorio]

Percy: Gregorio?
Ethan: Oh, this just got awkward.

Percy: You're going to have to stop hiding sometime.
Gregorio: OK, Dr. Phil. Relent.

Rita: The end doesn't always justify the means, especially if it ends up getting you killed.
Pride: That's not going to happen.

LaSalle: Here we go. Profiler at work.
Gregorio: It doesn't take a profiler to see how he feels.

Pride: You think I'm gonna let him drown?
LaSalle: The thought did cross my mind.
Pride: Good. Then it's crossed his mind too.

LaSalle: You do know there's sharks in the Gulf.
Pride: Fully aware.