Future’s coming with or without you. Might as well *be* there.


Ryan: So, you’re an actual doctor?
Jimmy: Yeah. And nobody at work knows!

Ryan Smith: What is this, self-help karaoke?
Jimmy: Honestly, I’ve got a million of these. I can do this all night long!

We all gonna fit on the ledge and hold hands? You wanna help Palmer, do your jobs!


With that very healthy sense of self-preservation, I’m gonna ask you to stay alive so that we can both die like heroes a very long time from now when we’re old and gray, alright?


Ducky: Forgive me, Mr. Palmer, but I can’t resist the urge to give you one of my all-time favorite pieces of advice: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

NCIS Season 14 Episode 13 Quotes

With that very healthy sense of self-preservation, I’m gonna ask you to stay alive so that we can both die like heroes a very long time from now when we’re old and gray, alright?


Ducky: Forgive me, Mr. Palmer, but I can’t resist the urge to give you one of my all-time favorite pieces of advice: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”