Gibbs: You got something?
Bishop: Yeah. Uh. Maybe. You got any food around here? Anything? We'll find stuff. Come on.

Abby: I'm still stuck on the fact that you can draw. I mean this isn't Kate good but it's good good.
Bishop: Who's Kate?
Abby: That would take a few hours and a whole box of tissues.

Porter: Everything okay?
Bishop: You should have seen my mom when I told her I was taking a job outside of Oklahoma.
Porter: Why did you?
Bishop: That's the difference between Mom and Dad. His first rule is: comfort makes for complicity. Means the only way to grow is by challenging yourself.
Porter: Well it helps to remember why we do the job. Keeps us going.

Bishop: Actually, I should get back to NSA.
Tony: You're not getting off that easy. Gibbs likes rules too. #45: always clean up your mess.

McGee: What. Did you read a book on disarming bad guys?
Bishop: Three older brothers.

Bishop: It doesn't make any sense.
Tony: What now, Russell Crowe? Hasn't your beautiful mind gotten you in enough trouble today?

Gibbs: You forgot something.
Bishop: Ahh, that's not mine.
Gibbs: It's got your name on it.
Bishop: This is my NCIS application from years ago. Before I took the job at NSA. How did you know about this?
Gibbs: Your name sounded familiar. I went back and looked it up.
Bishop: That's why you took me along today. You play chess too.
Gibbs: I wanted to see if you're still up for a challenge.
Bishop: Why?
Gibbs: I'd like to keep you around. Joint duty assignment.

McGee: You ever going to get a new car?
Tony: Well, firstly I never buy new cars. Secondly, I need something that ignites my passions. It's like a woman: I need to be in love before I commit.
McGee: You've never committed to a woman.

Clark: It's called attorney-client privilege. Everything that you say is confidential. It doesn't leave this room unless you want it to. Rules about this prohibit me from telling anyone what we discussed.
Dunne: You sure?
Clark: I promise you, Justin.
Dunne: When that girl was killed, I was 35 miles away in Falls Church.
Clark: And what were you doing there?
Dunne: Stabbing a guy to death.

Ducky: I don't understand why people run.
Palmer: Well it's therapeutic. It has great cardio-vascular benefits. What's more, it gets the old endorphins pumping. I tell you, running gives me a great high.
Ducky: I was referring to the driver running from the scene of the accident, Mr. Palmer.

Tony: Listen, I know I made fun of you in the past for riding the bus, but I have to admit I was wrong. I've been using public transporation and I really like it.
McGee: You're kidding.
Tony: No. I have time to read, make some calls....and best of all, I get to watch people. People are fascinating.
McGee: Okay Tony I'm...I don't even know what I am right now. But I know you, and this is not you.

Gibbs: DiNozzo - check out Olivia Chandler.
Tony: With pleasure. Thank you boss.

NCIS Season 11 Quotes

I'm positive that NCIS is being set up. Sending you out here was not about Lieutenant McBride. It was about separating you from your team.


Tobias: Hard to know who to trust anymore.
Gibbs: Has it ever been easy, Tobias?