He wasn't quite sure exactly where his path was gonna take him, but he knew he was at least moving forward.

Gigi Hadid

Paxton: Look, why are you setting a goal that you're probably gonna fail at?
Eric: It's okay if I fail as long as I tried. And maybe I don't fail, and then I'm really proud of myself. What kind of personjust gives up on their dream when they haven't even tried?

I mean, you're a staff member, and they're students. Look, I… I'm not gonna narc on you, but grown-up to grown-up? What are you doing? Get your shit together, dude.


Devi: Well, since we're trapped here, and apparently experimenting with radical honesty… can I ask what really happened at ASU?
Paxton: The reason I left was because… no one there liked me.
Devi: What? How is that possible?
Paxton: I don't know. Everyone just decided I was some huge loser, and I was just like, maybe I don't belong at college. So I left. And now every day I'm like, "What did you do?"

Huh. So Ben is single now. Devi, did you catch that? Yeah, I think she heard.


Mohan: Wow, Devi, first grade. Pretty soon you'll be going to college. Have you thought about where you'd go?
Devi: Princess College.
Mohan: Hmm. Don't know if there's a Princess College. But there's a Princeton College.
Devi: 'Kay, I'll go there.

I don't own Princeton. You're obviously allowed to apply there.


Devi: I was actually deferred.
Fabiola: No! That's the worst-case scenario.
Devi: I know, right? Thank you for your passion, Fabiola.

Devi: How do you go to college and then just decide to stop trying?
Blair: I don't know, Devi. I was so burnt out after high school. I mean, you know what it's like. You do a million extracurriculars, and you take all the hardest classes just to get into a school like this. Then once you're in, what's the goal? You're certainly not gonna be the top anymore and you don't have your mom here to badger you. It's easy to get lost.
Devi: Damn.
Blair: The hardest part about college isn't the schoolwork. It's being on your own and not knowing who the hell you are.

Student 1: Oh, hey, we were talking about that article in The Atlantic on, uh, dark money lobby regulations. You guys wanna sit?
Student 2: Yeah, I mean, it's a complete farce. Basically, Big Oil's writing all of our laws at this point.
Ben: Totally. It does seem like a lot of automakers are turning to electric though, so that's good.
Student 3: Well, Ben, you know electric cars are just as bad, right? I mean, heavy-metal mining is a serious human rights issue. Without a clean grid, what's even the point?
Ben: Right, right, yeah. I… I just mean hopefully one day, we can just, like, run cars on corn.
Student 3: Yeah, come on, Ben. We certainly don't wanna incentivize monoculture farming any more than we already do.
Ben: No. No… Of course not.
Student 2: Do you guys wanna order some food? Ben, you're our guest. What are you in the mood for?
Ben: Food? Uh, I just want something that's sustainably sourced, carbon-neutral, and preferably delivered by someone who's paid a living wage.

Eleanor: I don't have a chance, do I?
Judge: Miss Wong, I assure you, we have not made any decisions yet.
Eleanor: But you have though, right? You can give it to me straight. I can take it.
Judge: If I'm being honest, I'm not sure Juilliard is the right place for you.

Wow, you guys, I can't believe we're basically gonna see exactly how our lives are gonna be next year.


Never Have I Ever Quotes

Ben: Look, I think we're both just insecure and competitive, and we always manage to hurt each other. And as my close personal friend Dwight Howard said while we were hanging out the other day… I need a girlfriend who makes me feel, I don't know, more, like, at ease, or, like, happier with myself. I need that. You should have that too.
Devi: I can do that.
Ben: No, you can't. That's why I'm staying with Margot.
Devi: I accept that.

Boy 1: Yo, Jackson. Who you talking to?
Paxton: It's, uh, Paxton.
Boy 1: Your friend's name is Paxton? -Shit, that rhymes with your name.
Paxton: No, I… I'm-- It's just a friend from home. What are you guys up to?
Boy 1: It sucks, bro. The rager in my room is a no-go. My roommate has mono.
Boy 2: Dude, that sucks. Told you he was a pussy for getting mono.
Paxton: We could do it here. I mean, I'd be cool with that. I used to party a lot in high school. I was, like, constantly getting invited to parties and stuff, so…
Boy 1: Yeah, okay. Sure you were. But all right. We can put the keg on your bed.
Boy 2: Damn, bro, that's cold.