I took a bullet for you. The only reason to help your fellow man is to have them in your debt. That is a currency that never tanks.


I wanted to kill Remecca with kindness, not Cold War radiation.


Oh, there is it. Your sarcasm. The third wheel in this relationship.


This is not just some old metal detector. We called it Meg Ryan because prolonged exposure was known to melt people’s hearts.


Gurgs: Three phrases you don’t use in problematic situations. It was a different time…
Dan: …I meant it as a joke…
Gurgs: …and I know it’s not okay to say it but…JUST DON’T SAY IT. I can’t believe they don’t teach that in white people school.

Gurgs: Look, podcasts are for lonely people who don’t like music. But you know what lonely people do like?
Neil: I feel like I should know this.

I’ve never seen someone so thirsty to get on a podcast. And I have several friends whose spouses went missing after joining a cult.


Is Dan Fielding’s rise from humble beginnings to the top – or the bottom – of the judicial system one of generation’s most remarkable feats? It is not for me to say, but it is my pleasure to repeat.


Remecca: Well, as an archeologist, I always have my fossil brush and my pick ax, so I might as well stick around and see what’s under this pile of dirt.
Abby: Hear that, guys? We’re gonna get brushed and picked.

When I’m being ambushed, I expect pastries.


Now that we’ve achieved all our dreams, only Death awaits.


Night Court Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

When I’m being ambushed, I expect pastries.


Now that we’ve achieved all our dreams, only Death awaits.
