You holding out on me? You somebody's Ca-baby-boo-to?

Taystee [to Caputo]

Taystee: Damn! This place is like "Rehab Addict: Litchfield Edition." And with, like, real addicts.

Short, black, and bad at basketball. Subverting expectations since 1990.

Poussey [about herself]

Judy King: You know, my daddy used to call me "Red."
Red: Really? That's sweet. My papa called me "solnyshko." It means little sun. But I've grown bigger and hotter since then, and he's dead.

I think you are entirely too relaxed to be in this big, brown, sh*t-uation that we're in.


Why does she get some special garden tour like some fancy Shiba Inu?

Lolly [about Judy King]

You don't have to be from Hollywood to want to put in a warm place. It's called having a dick.


This is not how we play this. You're pissed right now. You ain't thinking. That's how you make mistakes. What you gonna do, start some kinda brawl? Get your asses thrown into Seg? Then who wins?


Yoga Jones: You're probably used to having your asshole polished by everyone you meet.
Judy: Oh, maybe 80%, 85%.

Piper: Last few days, I'm a Gambino up in here.
Red: Yes, I have noticed that you talk with your hands more lately. What should I cook for your funeral? Pasta.

Angie: There's so many Mexicans now. It's like a Home Depot parkin' lot in here.
Leanne: Dominicans. If you're gonna be racist, you gotta be accurate, or you just look dumb.

Alison: First of all, your name ain't Tova.
Cindy: I'm sorry?
Alison: Black people been naming their kids some crazy shit, but Tova ain't on the list. Unless the "V" is like a five or somethin'.
Cindy: It's Hebrew.
Alison: Please, you ain't no Jew.
Cindy: You want to say that again, bitch? Like you was born in Karachi.

Orange is the New Black Season 4 Quotes

Lolly: Ooh, what's that?
Alex: Emoji.
Lolly: They got more of those?
Alex: Hmm, yeah. I mean, there's all kinds.
Lolly: Oh, I like the kitty with the heart eyes. [gasps] And the alien! But that's not how aliens really look.

Gina: Jesus, Chapman. A little magic happens around here and you make it all about you, like you made it happen.
Piper: But I did, that's my point. I'm gangsta. Like with an "A" at the end.