Man: I’m sorry; there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding. It’s a secretary that we’ll be needin’.
Brianna: Perhaps so, but I’m applying for the plant inspector position.
Man: [scoffs] But you’re a woman.
Brianna: What aspects of plant inspection require a penis?

Jamie: I saved your life. This is the choice you give me?
Harnett: You saved my life so I could fight another day. Today is that day, Mr. Fraser. For you, as well.

Claire: I wasn’t prepared to join a war tonight. Neither were you. And I won’t let you go without me. They’ll need doctors.
Ian: I’m comin’ with ye too, uncle.
Jamie: No, lad. Sail home to Scotland. I made a promise to your mother.
Ian: You promised we’d return someday, and we will. I love this land. I want to fight for it.

Tom: The Lord does answer prayers, you know.
Claire: What did you pray for?
Tom: You are a most uncomfortable woman.

William: I’d rather die than have you amputate my arm.
Ian: Ye canna do that. You still need a proper death song, aye?

Outlander Season 7 Episode 4 Quotes

Jamie: I saved your life. This is the choice you give me?
Harnett: You saved my life so I could fight another day. Today is that day, Mr. Fraser. For you, as well.

Man: I’m sorry; there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding. It’s a secretary that we’ll be needin’.
Brianna: Perhaps so, but I’m applying for the plant inspector position.
Man: [scoffs] But you’re a woman.
Brianna: What aspects of plant inspection require a penis?