What do we learn from the dead, if not the lessons of life? What had Tom Christie taught me since he surely was gone by now? His sacrifice reminded me that we should make an effort to truly live, count our lives in thoughts, feelings, breaths, and heartbeats, not the number of days, months, or years because tomorrow is not promised.

Claire [narration]

Sweet Malva. I failed her. Tom. Now Allan. A whole family gone. The terrible waste of it all.


A wee granddaughter.


Brianna: I came here to save my parents, but I will do anything to save our daughter. I’ll have no regrets.
Jamie: Is it disappointing here, in this place in this time?

Brianna: No, not at all. You are magical to me.
Jamie: This world of yours, this America, this freedom that you go to, there will be a fearful price to be paid. Will it be worth it, do you think?
Brianna: Almost nothing would be worth losing you, but maybe that comes close.

Oh, I dream of the past. Why would I not dream of the future?


Claire: I love you.
Jamie: I’m not as brave as I was before you came. Not brave enough to live without you anymore.

I went through the stones once to save my baby. Now you’re going back to save yours.


For your sake, I will continue. But for my own, I would not.

Jamie [to Claire]

Outlander Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

Sweet Malva. I failed her. Tom. Now Allan. A whole family gone. The terrible waste of it all.


What do we learn from the dead, if not the lessons of life? What had Tom Christie taught me since he surely was gone by now? His sacrifice reminded me that we should make an effort to truly live, count our lives in thoughts, feelings, breaths, and heartbeats, not the number of days, months, or years because tomorrow is not promised.

Claire [narration]