Only in France does the King need an audience to shite.


Jamie, this is why I admire the French. They're so wonderfully vulgar. They never allow their exquisite manners to interfere with their basic instincts.

Prince Charles

Told you that dress would bring us grief.


You're a daring woman, sassenach. I guess that makes me a very lucky man.


Jamie: Scotland doesn't exactly smell like a lady's boudoir.
Murtagh: Aye. But it's an animal smell. This city reeks of the chamber pot.

I see your nose is not purely decorative, Madonna.

Mr. Raymond

Claire: He's gone, Jamie.
Jamie: He's alive in my head. I've got to get him out.

Oh. Frank. Hello. I'm back.


Another country, another enemy.


Claire: When will be the proper time?
Jamie: You tell me, Sassenach. You're the one from the future.

Reverend: Listen to me now, other men have faced this, have faced this situation.
Frank: I doubt that very much.
Reverend: When Mary told Joseph that she was with child and he couldn't be the father, he, he, he too was confronted with a crisis...
Frank: I am not Joseph! And she is not Mary, and I am very certain that the father is not God Almighty, that he was a man who fucked my wife!

When Claire told me that she was pregnant, my first feeling was joy and happiness. It was almost hallucinatory in its intensity, because somehow, suddenly, in that moment, I, I thought she meant we were having a child. Then I realized, of course, it couldn't be mine. Had to be his.


Outlander Season 2 Quotes

You have had an extraordinary adventure, Claire. Extraordinary. One that few people could even imagine. Treasure it. Keep it safe and secure, tucked away in some special place in your heart. Don't spend the rest of your days chasing a ghost, not when there's a man, a real, flesh and blood living man, who loves you still with all his heart.

Mrs. Graham

Oh. Frank. Hello. I'm back.
