Jamie: You do not want me then?
Lord John: I should probably want you til the day I die, but...tempted as I am, do you really think I would accept?

We joke sometimes that he spends so much time with Mackenzie he's starting to look like him!

Lady Dunsany [about Willie]

It's never too early for a whiskey.


Claire: You invited her here? Where our daughter lives?
Frank [drunkenly]: You, you were taking the car, so, so, she was just pickin' me up...
Claire: You really dislike me that much? It's my graduation, for God's sake, Frank.

I think perhaps the greatest burden lies in caring for those we cannot help, not in having no one for whom to care.


Frank: You couldn't look at Brianna without seeing him, could you? Without that constant reminder, mightn't you have forgotten him? With time?
Claire: That amount of time doesn't exist.

If you found a 16-year-old shitting himself with fear a worthy opponent, Mr. Fraser, it is little wonder the Highland Army was defeated.

Lord John

A man who doesna shit himself with a knife held to his throat either has no bowels, or no brains.


Claire: I would never keep Bree from you. We could work out a compromise.
Frank: Forgive me if I don't risk everything on your promises. You have not been very good at keeping them.

Lord John: You gave me my life all those years ago. Now I give you yours. I hope you use it well.
Jamie: Yer brother discharged that debt.
Lord John: For the sake of the family name. I discharge for the sake of my own.

Claire: Have you fucked her in our bedroom? Have you?
Frank: I think our bedroom is far too crowded already. Wouldn't you agree?

Jenny: You always look braw with a wee bairn in your arms. [Pause] How long's it been since you lain with a woman, Jamie?
Jamie: Don't...Janet.

Outlander Season 3 Quotes

I'm glad you're awake. I did no want to say farewell while you snored and farted in your sleep.

Rupert [to Jamie]

Claire: I can manage, really.
Millie: Well of course you can manage my dear, but why should you when you can have help?