Murda: I aims to please.
Ernestine: You better not please too much because an old bitch might get used to having you around.
Murda: Miss Ernestine, stop flirting with me now.
Ernestine: I ain't the bitch I'm talking about.

What you're not going to do is piss in my mouth and call it Kool-Aid.

Clifford [to Autumn]

History is important, yes, but so is the future.

Autumn [to Clifford]

Autumn: I thought you ghosted me.
Uncle Clifford: Child, I'm the last ghost you need to be worried about in this here building.

I couldn't give two shits who's the mayor of this little town as long as they don't get in the way of my motherfuckin' casino.


Roulette: I'm a ho.
Duffy: Ain't that a coincidence? Because I'm a ho too.

Corbin: What in the hell do you think you're doing?
Autumn: Whatever do you mean, Massa Kyle?

Murda: I fucked it up.
Teak: Seems like you have a habit of doing that.
Murda: Yeah, I do. I fuck up a lot.

Life for a nigger stay short. That's why you got to enjoy every day like it's your last.

Big Teak [to Murda]

Keyshawn: [Rome] tried ... it.
Murda: Glad that nigger dead then.

Autumn Nightmare, what is your next move?

Uncle Clifford

Uncle Clifford: I'm going to have to kill [Autumn].
Big L: Man, we got too much blood on our hands already.

P-Valley Season 2 Quotes

I'm gonna need you to come deep inside.

Uncle Clifford [to customer]

Customer [to Autumn]: You dancin' tonight?
Big Al: You don't want to see that dance.
Autumn: Need a receipt?
Customer: No. Uh-uh. I don't need no evidence.
Big Al: Smart man.