Time is money, money is power, power is pizza, and pizza is knowledge, let’s go!


I engaged in sexting, texting, and tex-mexting, which is when you take a picture of your genitals from the restroom of a Chili’s To Go.


I believe luck is a concept invented by the weak to explain their failures.


Ben: Today is Leslie’s last day as a counselor, so everyone needs to be extra supportive.
Ron: Already done. When I walked past her this morning, I gave her a kind nod.

April: Babe, wake up!
Andy: That’s my spaghetti, Chewbacca.

Jamm: You’re the Superman to my Lex Luther.
Leslie: You want to be Lex Luther?
Jamm: Uh, yeah! Lex Luther is rich.

How sweet is this table? I got it from an authentic Benihana for $4000.


I have gone head to head with Jamm 112 times. He has won 56 times and I have won 56 times.


Barney: I just can’t believe it’s finally happening!
Frank: Hi Ben. I’m Frank. I took the job when you turned it down. I’ve heard a lot about you.

Video Ron Demand.


The voters, to use a political term, gave you the stanky boot.


April: Favorite book?
Donna: Downton Abbey.
April: That’s not a…
Donna: Downton. Abbey.