The clues are there, you just need to know where to look.


Price: I don't know, maybe the kids just depressed, he barely ever talks.
Kate: So what just load him up on meds, and that's going to solve the problem?
Price: Worked for me so far, knock on wood.

Price: I'm just getting my angel back. I always do that after a car ride, especially this one. What?
Kate: Do you not see the irony here Mr. Non-believer, knocking on wood, playing with little pretend angels?
Price: So I'm superstitious, big deal. I also don't fly on Friday the 13th, or walk under ladders, or bet on the Yankees in day games, it's bad luck.

Price: Everything that's happened today. I don't know, it's like you spend your whole life playing this game and then suddenly someone changes the rules.
Kate: I know.
Price: I really want to find this girl.

Price: I guess sometimes evil is just evil. I'll say this, I would have never believed what just happened it I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
Kate: The greater the doubt, the greater the awakening.
Price: Wow, that's pretty profound for being up all night.
Kate: It's Einstein; I saw it on a bumper sticker once.

Price: It must be hard being so damn right all the time.
Kate: It is a burden, but I've lived with it.
Price: Just so you know, I still think you're crazy.

Past Life Season 1 Quotes

Price: I guess sometimes evil is just evil. I'll say this, I would have never believed what just happened it I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
Kate: The greater the doubt, the greater the awakening.
Price: Wow, that's pretty profound for being up all night.
Kate: It's Einstein; I saw it on a bumper sticker once.

Price: It must be hard being so damn right all the time.
Kate: It is a burden, but I've lived with it.
Price: Just so you know, I still think you're crazy.