Ewww. That was like, ugh. I feel like my eyes are going to barf.


The Messiah is a moron.

Herr Starr

Tulip: Why didn't you send him to hell?
Jesse: I couldn't do that to another soul.

Jesse: This Jesus is not right in the head. He's an imbecile.
Tulip: They're all imbeciles, Jesse. Jesus, Buddah, the President and God is probably the biggest imbecile of them all.

You're a survivor, and you get to do it all with someone you trust. I've never had that.


Herr Starr: Are you blind, boy?
Bartender: No.
Herr Starr: Would you like to be?

Lana: Tulip, how'd you get so good at video games?
Tulip: My parents died.

He's in one of his agitated states. We should leave before he...discharges.

Herr Starr

Jesse: So, that's..he's the one that's going to rule the world.
Herr Starr: Like any royal family or Maltese puppy, inbreeding is to be expected.

What kind of world is it when a woman obeying a man is seen as his superpower? I have a date. Kill them all.

Herr Starr

Without God, there's no structure, no order. With no one at the wheel, we hit the rocks; it's chaos.


Grail Guy: So this is worth all of this, huh?
Grail Lady: The best way to know your handbook is through concealed intimacy. It's in the handbook.

Preacher Season 2 Quotes

Has anyone ever told you your face is disgusting?

Inmate [to Eugene]

We're in Texas. They pretty much grow dumb-ass crazy here.
