Cooper: Guys don't keep messages from an ex. That's a woman thing.
Violet: Well, what do you know about women that you didn't get off the Internet?

Wyatt: Takes me back to residency. When life was simple.
Addison: You see, I have a hard time picturing you as an intern, taking crap from your attending.
Wyatt: By year 2, they all hated me.
Addison: It took them that long?

Violet: Holding on to your virginity for that long? I think it's sad.
Addison: It's not sad. It's sweet. Okay, not being able to have sex with your husband when you want to, that's sad.But the waiting? I mean, what's wrong with wanting a little magic?

Parenting is more than onesies and bassinets. It's a lifelong commitment no matter how long or short that life is.


Pete: I don't think it's ridiculous. The idea that you and me that we could be more than sex.
Violet: Pete.
Pete: Don't think about what Cooper would say. Or Sam, or Naomi, or anybody. Just think about what you think. Why does it have to be a crazy idea?

He's mine. It's official!


Pete: This is why doctors shouldn't treat their friends.
Amelia: I'm doing this because I'm her friend.

Chicken soup has sustained my people for centuries.


Archer: This is you. Not mad. Like the time I loaned your cashmere sweater to Crystal McCullen.
Addison: She puked on it. She puked up strawberry daiquiri all over my sweater.

[about Sam] "He's fighting for her."


"It's amazing what some people will do to entertain themselves."


Your ass so stacks up with the entire Kardashian family.


Private Practice Quotes

I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches