I'm not fun. I'm awesome.


Jake: What is this? Fantasy football?
Cooper: Fantasy sperm ball.

I need sperm.


Step one is the hardest and they say that kind of about everything. You know it's kind of like when you watch a baby take her first step and she spent days, weeks, and months teaching her muscles to function, but once they do it's never that hard again.


I am your dad and I'm not going anywhere.


You feel like you've been hit by a PMS truck.


Try a donut hole. They help.


Well, now I guess I'd like to think that the princess pointed to the lady because I'm starting to that love might mean wanting the other person to be happy even if that means that they can't stay with you.


Pete: You just got to keep on walking, Sheldon.
Violet: Excuse me?
Pete: You know what I'm saying? She's like a dog with a bone. She won't stop, so at some point, you've just got to keep on walking.

Violet: Cooper's going to be a great dad!
Charlotte: That is a stupid thing to say.

The minute I saw him I knew. I mean... he's a Mini Cooper.


And if your mom were here right now, she would tell you that it wasn't giving birth that defined her. It was the first time you looked in her eyes and smiled. It was the first time you fell asleep on her shoulder. And she barely let herself breathe because she never wanted that moment to end. You will have your baby. However, she comes into the world, and you will love her incredibly well because your mom taught you how. That's all that matters.


Private Practice Quotes

I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches