Oh room, I may love you even more than car


This outfit is a little much... I mean the girls are out to play


Megan: With great power comes great responability... shout out to uncle ben
[conversation with Sage and Laurel...]
Megan: Uncle Ben is spider-man's uncle, not mine, i just wanted to make that clear

I hate seeing people sleep...it's just one of my things...and wrists.. I hate looking at people's wrists...


[upon meeting her sister]
Rose: Wait this is so cool I want to die...
Megan: Take a number

God is not a republican... he's not a democrat... I don't think he's affiliated with any politcal party... is this vodka?


Megan: It's like they don't even appreciate all the knowledge bombs I'm dropping on them
Charlie: Maybe that's because you're calling them knowledge bombs

Megan: I can't believe sage would invite [Lily] to this
Charlie: Really? I can and I don't even know that her well

Charlie: Everything will be okay..
Rose: how do you know?
Charlie: I don't. Giving high school girls advice is not my forte..I rock at bowling I don't even need the bumper things

Laurel: It's nice to see you on top of things...
Megan: I like to be on top.... of things... in work situations

Megan: Aren't you coming with me?
Marco: Oh yes, I just love unnecessary encounters with law enforcement officers... you're on your own sledge sister..

You think you can lecture me on being a good sister? I'd jump in front of a bus to save rose from being hurt. You'd throw lily under a bus for fun.


Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid