Gabrielle: That's what makes you a good profiler. You see the worst in people, but with this boy, you want to see the best in him.
Malcolm: I want to see the best in him. That's a subconscious urge.
Gabrielle: I suppose it's only natural.
Malcolm: Yeah, sure, but it means I have an unconscious bias. A blind spot.
Gabrielle: I thought that was a good thing.
Malcolm: Not if your job is to see people for who they really are no matter how dark it might be.

I know what it's like to not be okay, to feel like something inside is broken.


Malcolm:  After everything I went through as a kid, sometimes I wonder if I would have turned out like Isaac.
Gil: Not on my watch.

Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Ainsley: I came to ask for an interview.
Martin: An interview? That seems a little exploitative. Then again I've been exploiting others my whole life. 
Ainsley: As a serial killer?
Martin: No As a white man. We're terrible.

Martin: I missed you.
Ainsley: You don't even know me.
Martin: Why don't we remedy that.