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Malcolm talks to Gabrielle his therapist about the station wagon and his memories. She warns him that digging like this may lead to hallucinations and be a sign of a psychotic break.

Gil calls him onto a case where a man was stabbed over 100 times. They speak to the victim's family. His wife was getting a divorce from him and seems unfazed, and his son says he's sad. Malcolm connects to the boy and tries to reassure him as Gil did with him.

They find out that the wife Crystal was taking krav maga at a gym and sleeping with her trainer.

Malcolm pretends to be interested in joining the class. He antagonizes jake the trainer and they fight. Jake threatens to break Malcolm's arm and gets off on inflicting pain. He's a sadist like the profile dictates. He didn't do it though.

Dani and JT catch crystal the mom burying a bloody shirt in the woods near the fringe scene. She attacks Dani using the moves she learned. Dani maces her.

Crystal confesses to murder but Malcolm insists she doesnt fit the profile. At his therapy session he realizes that Isaac the young boy was his blind spot. He fits the profile. He finds the rabbits Isaac killed at their house and he confronts ceystal about it.

They have to save Jake from Isaac. He sets the boy off and Isaac stabs Jake. Malcolm talks Isaac down. Isaac killed his father when his father threatened to out him in a mental health facility. Isaac is taken away.

Ainsley meets Martin and asks him for an interview. He talks to her about his regrets not being there for her. She seems to fall for his charms.

Jessica and Malcolm try to warn Ainsley and stop her from doing the interview, but she won't give it up. Martin talks to his group therapy and wonders if he should do the interview.

Malcolm asks Jessica about the camping trip. He has Dani run the plates in the photo.

Malcolm finds the station wagon. With a black light he sees it's covered in blood.

Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Ainsley: I came to ask for an interview.
Martin: An interview? That seems a little exploitative. Then again I've been exploiting others my whole life. 
Ainsley: As a serial killer?
Martin: No As a white man. We're terrible.

Martin: I missed you.
Ainsley: You don't even know me.
Martin: Why don't we remedy that.