Isabel, I pulled you out of obscurity and I can put you right back in.


Easy: I should have seen this coming.
Maddie: How? Bellows was going to find a murder weapon after 10 years? Who could predict that. I saw his press conference. It's all empty bluster. I think it's a publicity stunt.

Hector: How am I supposed to convince the judge I didn't do it when all she sees is a convict?
Easy: That's my job. Not yours. All you have to do is hold your head up high and let that judge see there is more to you than just clothes.

Good morning. This morning I executed a warrant for the arrest of Madeline Scott for the murder of 17-year-old Rosemary Lynch. Her conviction was unfortunately vacated 10 years ago, but I have always believed she is guilty. As a prosecutor, it is my job to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. I promise you I will do that. This time we have the murder weapon. The Lynch family will finally have closure. Because the monster who murdered their loved one will spend the rest of her life behind bars.


The criminal justice system is about punishment, not healing. But when I look around, I don't see a world lacking in retribution.


Woman: If I tell you anything, an army of lawyers will come after me.
Easy: You could have told us about an NDA over the phone. You have something to say.

Here's the thing. You're never ready. Irene and I had everything planned and I'm still living in a hotel.


I don't want anything to do with my family. They're truly terrible people.


I don't want to rain on your innocence party, but it's not looking good for our client.


Judge: Ms. Moriarity, there is no jury here. What are you doing? Save the theatrics.
Maddie: Your honor, all they have is theatrics.
Judge: That was not an invitation to the peanut gallery. Zip it. You have a witness. Use him.

Madeline: Tell us about the day before Amelia died.
Gabrielle: Nothing happened. Literally nothing. She slept and I watched her. I may not have known how to connect with Amelia, but I loved her. I didn't kill her.

You convince a jury the defendant was a bad mother, the prosecution can pretty much paper over any lack of physical evidence.


Proven Innocent Season 1 Quotes

Caleb: Coming here by yourself was a bad idea.
Madeline: People know I'm here. If you kill me, at least 100 more people will be coming. You can't kill your way out of this one.

Caleb: Harvey still up in Statesville?
Madeline: 27 years is a long time for a murder we both know he didn't commit, don't you think?