Every day he makes you smaller. Soon there will be nothing left.

Anna [to Joey]

I am the only God you have, Preacher Funk.

Eli [to Noah]

No. Anna will walk home. It's only five miles. It will give her time to reflect.

Gerry [to Joey]

Phoebe: It takes a lot of courage to do something like this.
Noah: Desperation, not courage.

Bronco: I'm ashamed of myself.
Jay: I'm ashamed of you too.

You've always been good. Not in deed maybe, but in your heart.

Noah [to Abel]

When I return, we will go back to the old ways, as God intends.

Noah [to Anna]

Baby brother, it's time we get it all back.

Gerry [to Joey]

I promise we'll be back for your baptism.

Noah [to Isaac]

Abel: Voss is going to check us. He's not stupid.
Bronco: He'll assume you are.

If I did not need your help to protect my family, you and I would never speak again.

Noah [to Bronco]

Anna: It is strange to see you driving.
Noah: Why should it be any more strange than seeing me hide bodies or kidnap children or smuggle drug money?

Pure Season 1 Quotes

Prostitute: Twenty bucks? That's all you got?
Bronco: Yeah. Sorry.

There was a boy. Find him.
