Alex: You joke your way around everything because you're afraid to make a connection, maybe because the closest connection you ever made died right in front of you, and I get that. After my father died, I separated from the world, hid inside myself, buried myself so deep there was no where else to go. And then I met Ryan and Shelby and Nimah and Raina and Simon, and they had all been through so much themselves, but they could still smile. And they wanted to get to know me! Just like I want to get to know you.
Harry: Mhmm, and all those connections, how did they work out for you? Huh? Simon Asher, he good? Raina Amin, is she around here somewhere? I'm still waiting for that save the date card for you and Alabama.
Alex: Ryan and I might not be together, but we're very, very connected. I think about him. I worry about him all the time. I'm his friend, just like I'm your friend, Harry. Look there's space for you here, but you have to choose it. You can walk out that door and end up where you always end up - separate and alone. Or you can stay here and let us in. I'm not going anywhere, and I will not leave you.

I need to know my team better than any of the collaborators that might come after them.


If I'm weighed down by my sins, it's because they keep pressing them down on me, Shelby.


You get the answers, I get the win. Credit for this operation goes to me and MI6.


Alex: I forgot about the FBI's physical fitness requirements.
Shelby: [laughs] You may have gotten your badge back, but you still have to work for it.

Alex: You know, you would think that a top secret task force like ours would have some perks - helicopter maybe.
Shelby: Well there are perks! We both get to work with our ex-boyfriends.

Diana: So what do you think happened? Another terrorist event?
Ryan: Well if Alex is here, there can't be one far behind.
Alex: Funny.

Clay Haas: Any last words?
Alex: Engine.
Matthew Keyes: I would have chosen something more poetic.

Alex: Please don't tell anyone. I'll definitely lose my job if they find out about us.
Harry: And as I'm a man, I probably wouldn't.

It's easier to blame someone. What's hard is to understand someone. To understand that we all live with the pain that's happened to us. Clay blames you for what happened to his father because it's easier than living with the fact that he wasn't perfect.


You succeeded in proving you're nothing but petty teenagers. Other than that, you failed.


You're here because you know too much, and you must be babysat until this is all over.


Quantico Season 2 Quotes

Alex: I just saw a dead man.
Shelby: What man, and what makes you think that he's dead?
Alex: Because I'm the one who killed him.

Alex: You know, sometimes I wish we said no, to the mission, to all of this.
Ryan: There was no mission, Alex. We were chasing ghosts.
Alex: They weren't ghosts, Ryan. They were just smarter than us.