[to Sheriff Maio] Don’t even think of betraying me. The video of you beating up that inmate will go viral. You will be locked up with a lot of people who’d like to do the same to you and worse. Do you understand?


Isabela: I don’t understand.
Cortez: She blames you for Teresa’s escape. She can’t get past her anger. Her thirst for revenge is unquenchable. I’m sorry.
Isabel: You’re betraying my mother by telling me. Why?
Cortez: I know you think me a monster but even monsters have codes. Your mother, she crossed a line. Kique was an innocent and so are you.

Teresa: We can never hide the truth from each other.
Pote: I made a mistake. Please don’t question my loyalty, cause I live and die with you, Teresita.
Teresa: We’re family. We live and die with each other.

Pote: I know you’re still pissed about what happened yesterday.
Teresa: I’m not angry. I’m hurt. When you worked for Epifanio did you ever disagree with an order?
Pote: Of course.
Teresa: But you never locked him in a cellar. You would never disrespect a man like that.

Little T: Holy shit, it looks like you guys went to hell and back.
Teresa: We did.

  • Permalink: We did.
  • Added:

In a few short moves of the board Mexico is ours. Phoenix is ours.


Teresa: When we work together I'll give you a cut of my product and better terms.
Tazas: If you win. If you don't win Pecas kills me and you and anyone who fought on your side.

Last time you disappeared you ended up in a cell in Mexico and now you leave without telling us.


You know staying here isn't smart, it's suicide.


Teresa: You have no obligations to me. You can leave.
James: I'm not leaving, I'm just trying to protect you, to protect us.

I don't want to run anymore. Camila can kill me but I'm not leaving.


Teresa: How did you handle it?
Pote: What?
Teresa: When your marriage ended?
Pote: Work. I put work first. My loyalty to my bosses is more than loyalty to any woman. I vow to protect them no matter the circumstances and that's a vow that I will never break. What you say, it goes Teresita. You're the boss.

Queen of the South Season 3 Quotes

I hope she's living in a hole like a rat.


I'm sure you've heard the saying the ends justify the means. Most people think that's cruel. In my case, it's another day at the office. Lucky for me, I have people who handle the means.
