So tomorrow, Blue, we’re marching so that what happened to Mr. Floyd doesn’t happen to anyone else, especially people who look like us.


Darla: We do what we can to bring some beauty into this ugly world.
Ralph Angel: Ugly? Ain’t nothing ugly over here. I mean, we look good. We beautiful, all of us.
Darla: Amen.

I’ve been a little tough on her and Calvin. I mean, time’s up for polite conversations to soothe white folks fantasies of the world the rest of us have to live in, but you’ve got to give them a chance to grow.


Calvin: I felt disgust watching a human life being taken but no, I wasn’t embarrassed by it personally because I had nothing to do with it.
Nova: Right. But if it were a black cop who killed him, I’d feel embarrassed personally. I'd feel shame.
Courtney: But why, you didn’t do it?
Nova: Every black person’s actions are seen as a collective endeavor; every action besides success, of course. Every bad thing that one of us may experience or cause reflects on all of us in the eyes of American society. One robbery, they are inherently criminal. One drug deal, they inherently lack restraint. One person does something trifle on the job, they all lack discipline.
Courtney: I see what you mean. It’s like black people have a collective conscience in the eyes of white America.

Violet: The whole situation don’t make no sense.
Prosper: Racism ain’t never made sense.

Charley: Please, don’t do that to yourself.
Micah: Do what?
Charley: Push it down. It doesn’t work. I’ve tried it.

Charley: It’s murder. It’s unacceptable.
Micah: Is it? This didn’t happen on some dirt path on the side of the road. This didn’t happen in the middle of the night. They didn’t take him on a drive to some dark alley so they could put a gun in his mouth. This was broad daylight. There were people across the street begging him to stop but he didn’t.
Charley: I know.
Micah: The murder of black people is very acceptable. The fact that it is is the whole point.

What’s interesting to me isn’t the lynchings themselves, it’s the people who watched. The white crowds that gathered to make murder a wear your Sunday’s best public event.


Charley: Love isn’t a weakness. Love isn’t something to be mocked. You can be enraged and still lead with love, with light. Ella Baker said, “Give light, and the people will find the way.” Dr. King said, and you know this, Micah, “Darkness can’t drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate can’t drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Micah: Dr. King also said that a riot is the language of the unheard.

As far as I’m concerned, a gun is violence and death waiting to happen, and I don’t want it anywhere near me.


Well, if I’ve got to take a bullet to keep a bullet off of those I’m charged with protecting and providing for, then that’s just how it’s gotta be.


Calvin: I know I should have done more, and I should have been stronger, better, and I am. It was one of the worst days of my life.
Nova: Yeah, I’m sure it wasn’t a red-letter day for the kid either.

Queen Sugar Season 5 Quotes

Violet: All this time and people are just realizing that St. Jo was named after a black woman.
Hollywood: Well, you know, I think everything should be named after black women.
Violet: You see, now you just trying to get some.
Hollywood: I sure am.

Every day’s a big day now that mom lives here.
